Durham's Vital Signs 2023

We hope that Vital Signs® encourages you to deepen your understanding of your community and play an instrumental role in determining its future. 

Be bold in your actions and have impact. Volunteer when and where need exists. Give and donate as you are able. Advocate with your family, neighbours, friends, and co-workers. 

You are more powerful than you know. You CAN help to create the community you want.

Our invitation to you: Read. Reflect. Discuss. Act. Thrive!
Download Vital Signs 2023 (PDF)

What it takes to thrive

The Durham Community Foundation's first Vital Signs® report offers an in-depth understanding of Durham Region, emphasizing its unique dynamics and rapid changes, especially in the post-pandemic world. This comprehensive report highlights the region's resilience amid significant challenges, such as fast-paced population growth, housing crises, food insecurity, mental health issues, and the impacts of domestic violence and the opioid crisis.

It acknowledges the struggles faced by the community but also points out the growth and opportunities that arise from these challenges. The Foundation's year-long research, in collaboration with the nonprofit sector, provides valuable insights into these developments, offering a detailed picture of the community's changing landscape.

It serves not just as a reflection of current conditions but also as a call to action, urging community members to engage actively in shaping their future. By highlighting both the successes and areas needing improvement, the report invites individuals, including philanthropists, business leaders, and government representatives, to contribute to the region's continued strength. The message is clear: through understanding, reflection, and active participation, every individual has the power to make a meaningful difference in our community.

Vital Durham

The Vital Durham Endowment Fund will ensure we continue to provide permanent funding to help charities address the current and emerging priorities outlined in this report. We hope you will join us, along with the many families and businesses that are already investing with us to ensure a better future for all in our community.

Find us

Charity Reg. #: 898797931RR0001
2-157 Harwood Avenue North
Box 250
Ajax, Ontario
L1Z 0B6

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